I promised to update this blog so I could track my running progress since I announced last month that I was running my first half marathon in January so hopefully I'll get better with that in the future. I have officially completed 7 weeks of my training schedule and so far so good. For the most part I have found running to actually be enjoyable and something I look forward to. That could partly be since my runs have been fairly short in distance but for now I'll take that as a good sign. Now there are definitely times when I question myself for signing up for this but I'm hoping that once it cools down a little that running will be easier. I've also had a few runs with Nicole, Alison and Ryan but for the most part Bennett has been my steady running partner. Ryan had planned on accompanying me on a longer run this morning but for some reason he just couldn't get out of bed. However, Bennett and I logged a good 5.75 miles this morning in 58 minutes so we were fine without him!
Oh, I did get a new pair of running shoes and some cute new outfits after I signed up. A girl has to look good while running, right?!?
18 years of Henry
7 months ago