
16 Weeks

Today marks 16 weeks!  Time sure is flying and it's hard to believe we're at the 4th month mark.  I mentioned that to Ryan this morning and I think he had a mini freak out moment.  For some reason 16 weeks didn't feel like 4 months to him and I think we both realized that it will be December before we know it.

This week we have an ultrasound and I'm so excited to see this baby.  We also find out the gender and it's been all I can think about lately.  It really doesn't matter to us either way but we're just anxious to know we've got a healthy baby growing.

I've been feeling great and not near as tired as I was during the first trimester.  I am having a hard time keeping up with Henry right now and I'm not sure if it's because I'm pregnant or just that this child is constantly on the move!

I haven't been as good with exercising this time around but I am going for walks in the mornings on the weekend and once Henry goes down at night during the week when it's not so hot.  I wish I was doing more but thankful that I've at least been good about keeping up with walking.  I haven't seemed as hungry as I was during the first trimester but I am eating a few more snacks during the day and weight gain seems to have slowed a bit.  For now at least :/

Be back in a few days with a gender update!

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