

Last week we made a toast... 

A toast to Ryan for passing all four parts of the CPA... 

A toast for Ryan passing all four parts on the first try... 

A toast to Ryan for making ridiculously high scores on each test....

A toast to the last four and a half years of our life that included a MBA degree, additional accounting classes and four CPA tests...

A toast to NO MORE STUDYING...

A toast to me for surviving this with a two year old and a newborn...  

And a toast to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for providing hours of entertainment, frozen pizza for keeping us fed and cheap wine for my sanity. 

I'm not going to say it was easy for Ryan, myself or our boys.  But we survived.  And we are proud.  And it was a celebration worthy of a toast.  A toast that included two glasses of good wine, a sippy cup full of milk and a smiley baby boy :)

Cheers to Ryan!  We love you and are so proud of your accomplishments.  

1 comment:

  1. Love love this! Yay to Ryan! I bet you are one proud wife. And yay for you because I know that wasn't the least bit easy!


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