
Transition to a Big Boy Bed

Henry has officially been sleeping in his big boy bed now for the past week and it's going great!  We've had the bed for quite some time now and last weekend Ryan and I decided it was time to finally make the move. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to go and I wanted to make sure we gave ourselves plenty of time to get him settled in his new room before the baby comes.

The bed we picked has the option to take the box springs off so we did that which makes the bed very low to the ground and easy for Henry to get in and out.  We decided to not put up the rail so we wanted to make sure if he did fall out that it wouldn't be far at all.

Last Saturday we talked up his big bed to him so he would be exited.  He quickly climbed right in when I said it was time to read books.  We snuggled for a few minutes and read a few of our favorites bedtime stories...

And of course I had to snap a few pics. He seemed so excited!  I was a little nervous that he wouldn't actually sleep when I shut the door but he did.  I think it was much harder on me that night as I nervously watched the monitor all night to make sure he was OK.  He did actually fall out once that night and when I came up to check on him he was just sitting on his knees next to the bed.  He was crying but I think because he was confused and not hurt.  I put him back in bed and he went right to sleep!

He woke up the next morning around 6:30 happy as can be so I would call that a success!

And of course we had to celebrate the big boy with some donuts... :)

Later that afternoon we also attempted our first nap in his bed.  That took him a little longer to fall asleep as he could clearly see everything in room but he never got out to play with his toys.  He did  move all over the bed and finally after chatting and moving in his bed for about 30 minutes he fell asleep. He took a great nap and of course I had to sneak in and snap another picture :)

This past week has been great and I'm so thankful the transition was easy on him.  I will say the only complaint I have is that he's been waking up much earlier than usual.  I'm not sure why but he is up sitting on his bed and chatting at 5:30 am ready to start his day which used to be closer to 7.  I'm hoping this is just a phase!

1 comment:

  1. Where is your Kitchen table from? The chair looks like what I am looking for! I am so glad Henry's transition went well!! When we moved Abbie, for weeks she would lay in bed after we left and just scream "mooooommmmmmyyy" over & over. It was really not fun!!


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