
Four Months...

Henry Ryan... you are four months old!  

This past month you have changed so much and are starting to really look like a big boy.  You've been in daycare for a whole month now and have adjusted to your new schedule.  It was definitely hard at first to drop you off (and still is) but it's getting better every day.  Your teachers seem to love you and are always telling me how happy you are and how cute your little smile is.  You have battled a cold on and off the past month (which you've passed on to your mom and dad) but I think we're all finally on the mend.  

You weigh about 14 1/2 pounds and are wearing 3-6 month clothes.  You are wearing size 2 diapers and I even think we could be putting you in size 3 here pretty soon.  You are eating 5-6 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours and I imagine when I go to the doctor in a few weeks she will suggest that we introduce food to you.  I can't believe it's almost time to break out the high chair! 

At school they send home notes on how your day was and remind us when you should dress up.  For Go Texan Day, you dressed up as a cowboy and were absolutely precious!  I'm not sure how long your bandanna lasted as a bib but you sure looked cute when we left the house.  

You are doing really well on your tummy and even have rolled over to your back a few times.  We do not think you did this on purpose as you were pretty surprised but I imagine you'll be rolling all over the place here pretty soon.  You have started to clasp your hands together and are also putting your fist in your mouth. A new trick of yours is to stick your legs up in the air as high as you can when you're on your back.  I'm sure you'll be touching your toes here shortly.

You are sleeping really well and go down around 8 pm and usually wake up between 5 - 6 am.  We can't ask for much more since I'm back at work.  It's a little hard on weekends since you still like to wake up that early but I'm not complaining if you sleep that long.  You are still being swaddled at night but we are trying to wean you off of that.  The last few nights we have kept one arm out and you make it until about 3 am and you wake up. We'll have to keep working on this but I'm sure  you'll get the hang of it soon.

You really know your mom and dad now and have started to notice Benny.  You follow him around the room and I just know you guys are going to be good buddies.  You have also started to really notice the TV.  You love to watch shows at night and could stare at the TV for a long time if we let you.

You also love to be outside.  We go on walks most evenings and play in the backyard now that it's still light in the evenings when we get home.  You have also lost most of your hair except for one little patch in the back.  You are quite the cue ball but I think your little fuzz on the top of your head is pretty cute.  Looks like you're going to be a blondie!

 Happy 4 months bud!  Looking forward to what the next one has to hold!

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